Lifetime guarantee
All jewels created and manufactured by St-Onge Jeweller are subject to high quality standards and are diligently inspected before they leave our laboratory. Our manufacturing procedures along with our know-how meet our uncompromised objectives. The standards set in our gemological laboratory therefore allow us to offer a lifetime guarantee on our creations, as well as an evaluation certificate for insurance purposes.
In order to ensure the validity of the lifetime guarantee offered on your engagement ring, an inspection of the posts must be done annually in the St-Onge Jeweller atelier. Even if diamonds are rated 10 on the durability scale and that St-Onge Jeweller only sells high quality diamonds, the possibility of breaking or fracturing a diamond exists nonetheless.
Please note that all of our coloured gems as well as the central diamond on our engagement rings are not covered by our lifetime guarantee. We therefore recommend that our clients purchase an insurance policy for the loss or fracture of the central diamond as well as coverage against a lost or stolen ring. Should your jewel have the misfortune of being damaged, we highly recommend that you stop wearing it and have it inspected in our laboratory. Should this misfortune have occurred due to a fault in our manufacturing process, we will repair it at no cost. If the problem occurs due to normal wear or accidental damage, you will only be charged a minimum fee for the repairs.

You wish to have a larger diamond?
We offer a lifetime exchange of your diamond. St-Onge Jeweller provides you with the possibility of exchanging, at any given time, your diamond for another of a more impressive size. Our policy dictates that your present diamond must have been purchased from St-Onge Jeweller and the exchange diamond must be at least double in value of the original one. We will offer you the initial purchase price of your original diamond before taxes.
For additional information on our lifetime guarantee and the exchange of a diamond from St-Onge Jeweller, contact us at 514 871-1676 or by email.